- Be able to swim one length of the pool on your front and another length on your back without struggle. Swimmers ages 9 and older need to be able to swim 2 lengths for swim meets.
- Practice 3-5 days a week.
- We understand families have other obligations and commitments. However, you get out of it what you put in….i.e., more practice=more improvement😊
- Participations in our duel meets in January. Invitationals are optional.
- You CANNOT participate in the championships without times from at least one dual meet.
- Swim meets help coaches see where you are improving and where you need to improve.
- MOST IMPORTANTLY swim meets are FUN and a great way to bond with teammates
- RSVP to Meets on time…..NO late entries will be accepted
- To our coaches, they work hard to put together practices for you. Please show up ready to work. Understand that trying new events/strokes/drills is all about improving as a swimmer/athlete.
- To our teammates, no matter how you feel about someone outside of the pool we are all one family in the pool. Be kind to one another, be encouraging, and be respectful of other people’s equipment.
- To our pool, this is our only pool, and we need to treat it with respect, including the locker rooms. Please clean up your gear on the pool deck, take a shower before swim practice, clean up and trash you may have.